
To open the preferences dialog click on the primary menu in the headerbar.

Preferences for the waveform

  • Resolution: The resolution of the waveform image is given in pixels per second, e.g. the default resolution of 100 means, that one second is shown with a width of 100 pixels.

  • Fixed vs. moving cursor: There are two modes, how to follow the cursor. On slower systems a moving cursor might be smoother.

  • Show time scale: Turn the time scale on or off.

Preferences for controls

  • Jump back on pause: Parlatype will rewind a few seconds on each pause, this way you can easier resume typing. Set this value to 0 if you don’t want this behaviour.

  • Jump back: Configures how many seconds to skip when the Jump back button is pressed.

  • Jump forward: Configures how many seconds to skip when the Jump forward button is pressed.

  • Pressing Play at the end of file – Replay file: Whether you want to repeat the file at the end. If not, it will replay a few seconds like on pause.

  • Pressing Play at the end of selection – Replay selection: Whether you want to repeat the selection. If not, it will replay a few seconds like on pause.

Preferences for timestamps

These settings affect how Parlatype formats timestamps. If you need a certain format in your transcription, you can adjust it here.

There are no settings for reading timestamps. Parlatype reads and accepts all of these formats.

  • Always show hours and leading zeroes: Whether to show a fixed number of digits. Changing any of these values will show an updated example in the Example section below.

  • Precision: Choose between full seconds, 10th seconds or 100th seconds.

  • Fraction separator: Choose between a point or a hyphen to separate fractions of a second.

  • Characters around timestamps: Choose between number signs, round brackets, square brackets or none.

Preferences for the window

  • Remember size: On start-up Parlatype sets the window size to the size it had the last time.

  • Remember position: On start-up Parlatype can position its window where you had it when you closed Parlatype last time.

  • Start on top: This will put Parlatype on start-up on top of other windows. This might be useful if you are working with a maximized word processor and still want to see the Parlatype window.

Remember position and Start on top are not available on Wayland.